study documents

Please contact us directly if you are interested to participate and need raw documents such as the study protocol, information and consent forms, CRFs, etc., for your own IRB application. Participating physicians will receive electronic blank CRFs for anonymized and secure data transmission to the study center.

SIC-REG Algorithms

For now, you may download the most central infographics of the study: Study Flow chart, Diagnostic algorithm, and Treatment options, as ppt slide or pdf. Please note that embedded pictures on the website have a lower resolution than the docs for download below.

SIC-REG Study Flow chart
Version Feb. 2018
SIC_reg flow chart Feb01.18.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 37.3 KB
SIC-REG Diagnostic Algorithm
Version Feb. 2018
SIC_reg diagnostic algor web Feb01.18.pp
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 652.4 KB
SIC-REG Treatment Options
Version Mar. 2018
SIC_reg treatment web Mar16.18.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 400.1 KB
ITP bleeding scale
Version Feb.2018 modified from Page et al. BJH 2007
SIC_reg bleeding scale web Feb01.18.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 257.9 KB

Checklists | Emergency Cards

The old forms for ITP course documentation are not directly related to SIC-reg study, but proved useful in an earlier cross-sectional study for chronic ITP.

Emergency cards are in credit card format and may be filled by physicians or patients for personal use.

ITP Course Documentation - OLD
one-page overview of patient's course with chronic ITP for physicians
ITP docu May09.13engl.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 70.4 KB
ITP Verlaufsdokumentation - ALT
Einseitige Übersicht des Krankheitsverlaufs von Patienten mit chronischer ITP für ÄrztInnen
ITP Verlauf Mai09.13Deutsch.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 40.2 KB
Emergency Card for Patients with Hematological Disease (e.g. cITP)
designed in German & English to be modified as desired, cut out, and laminated/wrapped
NOTFALLKARTE ITP Bluterkr Apr01.14.docx
Microsoft Word Dokument 42.7 KB
Emergency Card for Patients with Primary Immune Deficiency / Dysregulation
designed in German/English to be modified as desired, cut out, and laminated/wrapped
Microsoft Word Dokument 42.7 KB